Tips for authors
- Types of articles and information
The Foundry Review publishes articles in the field of metal alloy casting and the use of castings in various branches of industry. Other areas from which the articles are accepted by the magazine’s editors are: devices, machines, tools, control devices and measuring instruments, applicable in foundry processes as well as supplies and raw materials for foundry industry. Other topics include: employee training, environmental protection, occupational health and safety in foundries, economics of foundry processes, waste utilization, artistic casting, casting history, as well as information about the activities of the Polish Foundrymen’s Association and Foundry Chamber of Commerce. Articles are divided into:
- original articles of a scientific and research nature, never published before, in Polish or in foreign languages,
- original articles of a technical nature, i.e. about the application of technical solutions in the above-mentioned areas,
- Review articles, ie containing information about issues being the subject of publication in other magazines or other publications, concerning scientific and technical achievements, economic and organizational issues, conferences, congresses, conventions, exhibitions, fairs,
- discussion articles from the areas as above,
- short notes and information from the fields above.
- Publication requirements
2.1. General requirements regarding the content of materials
- applying the existing technical vocabulary, and in the case of new terms and definitions, clearly defining them,
- avoiding the use of abbreviations for terms that are not in the applicable standards,
- entering mathematical formulas in separate lines of text,
- applying the existing units of measurement in the international SI system,
- contractually determining “figures” for all charts and drawings, and “photographs” for all photographs, placing them in brackets in the text (Fig. 5, photo 3),
- placing a list of drawings and photographs at the end of the article,
- articles on technical and scientific subjects should be submitted in two language versions: Polish and English; at the request of the author, the Editors themselves will translate the text at the author’s cost,
- articles and other materials should be sent to: as a MS Word file in .doc or .docx format,
- Editors can ask you to send original photos and slides, which will ensure good print quality, otherwise you should adapt to the following rules: photos, drawings, graphics, etc., should be at least 300 dpi (size 1: 1); all graphics elements (photos, drawings, graphs) must be extracted from the article and saved in: TIF, JPEG, CDR, BMP, GIF or XLS format.
When preparing the material for printing, please follow the basic rules:
- A4 page,
- 5 cm margins on each side,
- single line spacing,
- Times New Roman 12 font,
- unformatted text (titles and subtitles should not be written in capital letters , lines should not be ended with the “enter” key – only individual paragraphs, do not divide words by hand, or enable automatic hyphenation, do not use italics and underlining in the text, do not justify the text with the space bar).
2.2. Requirements for the construction of the article
- at the beginning of the article, on the first page, at the top left hand side, the full name of the author(s) should be given, in the order set by the authors,
- at the end of the article abbreviation of the name and the full surname of the author(s) preceded by a full academic title should be given. After the surname, state the position and full name of the place of work,
- the title of the article should be concise and not exceed 8-10 words,
- under the title, a summary of the article should be provided giving the most important theses and conclusions. Since the abstract is translated into Polish, German and Russian, if possible give the scientific and technical terms used in the mentioned languages,
- the article should be divided into chapters, which should not be numbered,
- in the first chapter one should give a short introduction to the article, and in the last chapter – a list of conclusions,
- it is necessary to keep the order of drawings, photographs, tables and graphs numbering,
- all drawings, photographs, tables and graphs included in the article must be referred to in the text of the article,
- the article should include the previously published works on this subject, as well as cited in the text of the article, maintaining the requirements for the proprietary right,
- the list of literature attached to the article should be prepared as in the following example:
- LEWANDOWSKI J.L.: GIFA 99. Materiały i urządzenia do produkcji rdzeni z mas wiązanych chemicznie, Przegląd Odlewnictwa, t. 50, 2000, nr 1, s. 13-15,
- LEWANDOWSKI J.L.: Tworzywa na formy odlewnicze. Kraków 1997, Wyd. „Akapit”,
- HELM C. i in.: Erfahrungen und Erkenntnisse zur Gewinnung von Studenten für das Ingenieurstudium, Giesserei, t. 86, 1999, nr 12, s. 65-68,
- the list of literature should be limited to the items cited in the article, necessary for understanding the content, published and generally available. The number of literature entries should not exceed 15 items,
- the article should be signed by the author(s) with the date of its elaboration,
- the editors of the Foundry Review reserve the right to shorten the submitted works. In cases where the abbreviations and other editorial changes introduced have substantive significance, the Editors will inform the author thereof in order to obtain his consent.
- Other information
The publisher, ie, the Polish Foundrymen’s Association, is not responsible for statements and opinions put forward by the authors of the submitted works, articles, as well as for the content of the published advertisements. Articles, studies and materials sent to the Editorial Office are not returnable, regardless of their publication.
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Foundry Review Editors