Przegląd Odlewnictwa 11-12/2018

This year is nearing its end, a dozen or so days and we will welcome the New Year 2019.

Welcoming the New Year demands summing up the passing one. This passing year was very busy   for our Association. We were preparing the 73-rd World Foundry Congress, asking ourselves questions, whether and how many of the Participants are coming, how many papers and of what level will they submit, how many sponsors we will get and how many exhibitors will be presenting their creative products on the exhibition: ‘Creative Foundry’ etc. etc.

For all these questions – in spite of pessimists – we obtained positive answers. We owe all these to the extra strong engagement of the whole secretariat of the STOP Central Board, chairmen of the Organisational Committee and Scientific Committee, luck in the selection and understanding of our assumptions by cooperating with us partners.

Already the first assessments and first congratulations instil hope in us, that the final assessment performed by the participants of the 73-rd World Foundry Congress will be positive.

This mobilizes us for further ambitious initiatives, which will elevate our Association in Poland and abroad.

The situation of the Polish foundry industry introduces us into much worse mood. This industry finished the year in a good condition but prognosis for the next year are robbing everybody of their sleep and forcing for very pessimistic mood. The reason of this is a significant increase of prices of electric energy and gas and not adequate – according to us – reaction of our economic authorities. Increases of prices of energy factors for the foundry industry, which is the energy consuming sector, can have negative effects which will destabilise operations and perspectives of this important – for the whole economy – sector. However we are hoping, that the economic authorities will acknowledge arguments of foundry engineers and will introduce the foundry industry into the group of energy consuming enterprises. This we are wishing for us.

We would like to thank our Dear Readers, Subscribers, Advertisers, Authors and all full and supporting Members of STOP, Friends and Sympathizers that you were with us in the whole 2018 year and supported our activities.

Simultaneously, on the occasion of the Foundry-man Day 2018, Christmas Holidays and the New 2019 Year, we are wishing You health, the best of luck and successes in private, professional and associational life.

Let this Year be the one in which You will realise all Your plans, aims and dreams.

Let during the whole New Year 2019, You will be accompanied by understanding of business partners and favours of surroundings. Let Your activities be understanding and supporting the initiatives of the Polish Foundry-men’s Technical Association and the Foundry Journal Editorial Team.

Published: 15.04.2020, Redaktor