Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Readers!

We are presenting to our valued readers the next issue of Foundry Review 5–6/2024.

Behind our eastern border, there is still a very active Russian-Ukrainian war, in which civilians are killed every day on both sides and their houses and apartments are reduced to rubble.

Despite the great involvement of many important politicians in the world, it is not possible to initiate effective talks that would give hope for at least suspending the destructive actions. There are still concerns that their area may increase and spread to other regions of Europe.

Further devastating fighting began between Israel and Hamas, which also do not tend to end quickly.

Both of these war activities have a negative impact on the economy, inhibiting its development and destabilizing all activities of economic sectors both in Europe and around the world.

Against the background of these sad events, life goes on and the world must move forward.

We have a time of industry fairs ahead of us, during which manufacturers present many new and interesting product and technological solutions, as well as many other planned industry events.

European Economic Congress 2024, which took place on May 7–9, 2024 at the International Congress Center in Katowice. The Congress is a place that combines opportunities to establish and develop business relationships with the exchange of experiences and acquisition of knowledge. The 16th edition of the European Economic Congress includes a number of new products that raise the profile of the event, but also develops the strongest advantages of the Congress brand.

Recognized authorities, expressive individuals and decisive politicians were present during the Congress. Managers of large companies and entrepreneurs. Experts, scientists, media people. Several hundred panelists are a competent and opinion-forming group. The special guests were: Donald Tusk – Prime Minister and Ursula von der Leyen – EPP candidate for the position of President of the European Commission.

The person representing the Polish foundry industry during the congress was prof. Rafał Dańko, president of Polish Foundrymen’s Association and vice-rector for student affairs oat the AGH University of Science and Technology. Professor Rafał Dańko took part in the lecture “Challenges of the labor market”, which touched upon topics related to labor market resources and the needs of the economy.

The topics of the European Economic Congress included the most important areas of the economy, directions of social development, key phenomena and trends for the future. In an unstable, dynamically changing reality.

Among the trade fair events in the second quarter we have ITM Industry Europe in Poznań and CastForge in Stuttgart.

ITM Industry Europe is the largest and most significant industrial fair in this part of Europe, presenting global trends in line with the idea of Industry 4.0. This year’s edition will take place on June 4–7, 2024.

As usual, the event includes not only rich exhibitions, but also numerous conferences, debates and training. Each year, the ITM Industry Europe program is built on the knowledge of experienced experts and supported by key organizations, associations and institutions of the industrial sector. ITM Industry Europe is a key place for meetings and exchange of technological experiences among innovation sector leaders.

World-class exhibitors, professionals in the field of production automation, metallurgy and metal processing, modern machines and technologies meet again this year.

As every year, Association participated in ITM Industry Europe by organizing a joint stand where companies representing the foundry industry and cooperating with foundry, i.e. producers of castings and suppliers of materials and equipment for foundry, will meet.

Castforge is a trade fair focused on castings, forgings and machining. The industry meets every two years at MesseStuttgart to present its product and service offerings. International producers of castings and forgings as well as highly specialized processors meet with industrial customers from the machine and equipment construction industry, the drive engineering industry, the pump and power hydraulics industry and the commercial vehicle construction industry.

Association also invited companies willing to co-create a stand where they will promote the Polish foundry industry.

It is worth mentioning the 11th Polish Foundries CEOs FOrum, which will be held on June 17–18, 2024 in Kielce, is an exclusive meeting of the main players on the foundry market. Presidents and directors of all Polish foundries and foundry suppliers were invited to participate. The main theme of this year’s forum will be: “Current challenges of the foundry industry.” The main topics that will appear during the discussion are: the situation of the foundry industry in European countries, foundry staff, decarbonization, future challenges for the foundry industry (BREF), new obligations for importers (CBAM).

During the Forum, presentations and information about new products on the foundry market will be presented. The meeting will be an excellent opportunity to exchange views and ideas, listen to specialists, as well as successfully network and develop B2B relationships.

This year’s Forum will be accompanied by the celebration of the 30th Jubilee of Polish Foundry Chamber of Commerce.

The organizers of the meeting are Polish Foundrymen’s Association and Polish Foundry Chamber of Commerce.

We encourage Dear Readers to read the current issue, which contains the following articles:

  • A form for success: ABAS ERP as the aggregate of a new era in foundry,
  • PGO SA – focuses on employees. Interview with the president of the management board of PGO SA, Łukasz Petrus,
  • Odlewnie Polskie SA is dynamically developing on the foundry market. Interview with the President of the Management Board of Odlewnie Polskie SA, Leszek Walczyk
  • The 30th Jubilee of Polish Foundry Chamber of Commerce, by Witold Dobosz,
  • Technical considerations for scrap minimization with kneeless HPDC casting machines by Mauro Fassina,
  • ZĘBIEC S.A. – a story about experience, tradition and development,
  • Odlewnia Elzamech Sp. z o. o.,
  • Art in the service of foundry, by Marek Skowron,
  • A student construction center started operating at AGH,
  • Professor Jerzy Lis is again the rector of the AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków,
  • European Economic Congress 2024.

We hope that the published materials will be of interest to our dear readers and will allow them to be used in everyday activities.

Tadeusz Franaszek – editor-in-chief


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Published: 03.07.2024, Redaktor