Today is 8 October 2024
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Przegląd Odlewnictwa 5-6/2021
Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Readers! With undisguised satisfaction, we present to you another issue of the Foundry Review, created during the pandemic. Issue 5–6/2021 was prepared with the intention of...
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Przegląd Odlewnictwa 3-4/2021
In the ever-lasting pandemic, we have prepared another issue of the Foundry Review 3–4/2021, the second one this year. Its publication coincides with the beginning, considering normal conditions, of the...
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Przegląd Odlewnictwa 1-2/2021
With this issue 1–2 / 2021 of the Foundry Review, we are starting another challenging year of our activity. Unfortunately our hopes that this year will allow us to start...
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Przegląd Odlewnictwa 11-12/2020
Another year of our activity is coming to an end. It was the most difficult year in the recent period of our association and publishing activities. From the first quarter,...
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Przegląd Odlewnictwa 9-10/2020
Autumn has come. Unfortunately, the world is still battling the ongoing coronavirus epidemic. It ongoing attacks are destroying expectations for its quick and effective control. This situation visibly and painfully...
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Przegląd Odlewnictwa 7-8/2020
We have edited the next issue of the Foundry Review in the atmosphere of the ongoing coronavirus epidemic.According to specialists, this atmosphere allows the economy to slowly recover from the...
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Przegląd Odlewnictwa 5-6/2020
Dear Readers! The corona-virus epidemic is still ongoing. The second issue of Foundry Review Journal (Przegląd Odlewnictwa) will be published in this unusual atmosphere. Despite the ongoing situation, we're doing...
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Przegląd Odlewnictwa 3-4/2020
This is already the second issue of the Foundry Journal in the current year. We did not expect that it would be issued under so unusual conditions. The whole world...
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Przegląd Odlewnictwa 1-2/2020
With Number 1–2/2020 of the Foundry Journal we are starting the New Year, as well as ending the previous, 2019, year by recalling events which occurred during that time. These...
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Przegląd Odlewnictwa 11-12/2019
Another year of our Association activity and its Foundry Review Journal – Przegląd Odlewnictwa ends. This year is also the last in the ongoing term of office of our Statutory...
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